The Mumbai Cricket Association (MCA) has agreed in principle to almost all the conditions laid down by the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) to host the Indian Premier League (IPL) final at the Wankhede Stadium.“Our Managing Committee has unanimously decided to agree to the conditions and accordingly the same will be informed to the BCCI,” revealed Nitin Dalal, the honorary secretary of the association, although there is still no guarantee of the match being played at this venue.
“Yes, Shah Rukh Khan can come to the venue for this match,” Dalal added. “It is still undecided whether the ban would be lifted but for this particular final, he will be allowed.”
Bipin Dani
A Civil Engineer by profession, Bipin is also a senior cricket journalist in India.
He has toured UAE, Sri Lanka, Morocco and Malaysia, to name a few, and contributes to a large number of newspapers in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.
His twitter bio reads: Eat cricket stories, drink cricket stories, sleep cricket stories.
He has toured UAE, Sri Lanka, Morocco and Malaysia, to name a few, and contributes to a large number of newspapers in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.
His twitter bio reads: Eat cricket stories, drink cricket stories, sleep cricket stories.
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